Monday, 29 August 2022

 Aaron Rodgers with Joe Rogan Celebrated by Doing a Victory LapAfter the oppressive covid regime was ultimately defeated, Aaron Rodgers with Joe Rogan celebrated their success by doing a victory lap. This has caused some to shed a few tears.

The summaries in these two tweets are so good that I used them to embed the video. They’re telling it like it is on the covid witch hunt; they’re highlighting how intrusive it really was. This level of government intrusion is completely crazy. So, Fauci’s minions are going to start showing up in the locker rooms and imposing their will on the players. 

 The Water Crisis That China is Experiencing Can Cause Food Shortages on a Global Scale: According to reports, severe drought conditions that have persisted for years across a significant portion of China have brought the nation to the verge of total collapse.

Sunday, 28 August 2022

 In Washington, the Democrats Have Built a Nazi StateThe Democratic Party is still run by people with the same ideology as former Nazi Propaganda Director Goebbels and former Gestapo heads Goring and Himmler. The media only write what the Democrat Party needs to be published, and the FBI acts as political police by framing Republicans while ignoring to probe Hunter Biden’s laptop and Hillary Clinton’s emails. The media only cover what the Dem Party wishes to report and nothing else.

Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook was instructed by the FBI not to allow comments on Hunter Biden’s laptop because it contained disinformation that originated in Russia. The Zuckerman tapped his heels together and muttered “Jawohl.”

Related: The Government Knew This Would Happen – HERE is the PROOF

 A tidal wave of lawsuits will soon be filed against psychiatrists and medical professionals who have given their unqualified approval to transgender mutilations and procedures: If a doctor or other medical expert recommends puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones to a patient under the age of 18

Friday, 26 August 2022

Is this an example of Communism or Con-unism?

Is this an example of Communism or Con-unism?: This would be an example of con-unism.

This would be an example of con-unism.

 Public Schools 2022 – Are they really PUBLIC?Public schools in 2022 Are NOT public, never were, especially in 2022. People often point to America’s public education system as “one of the best features of America.” I was of the opinion at first, but then I started doing some research, here is what I learned.