Sunday, 7 August 2016

Government Social Security Scam Exposed

Government Social Security Scam Exposed

The truth about Social Security and a new government retirement scam

social securityLast month the Board of Trustees for Social Security wrote in its annual report on the program that the major parts of the greatest Ponzi scheme in the history of the world have run out of money and the rest of Social Security will be completely broke in a few years.
The state propaganda ministry dutifully reported these findings, with CNNMoney claiming that, “If lawmakers don’t act, Social Security’s trust fund will be tapped out in about 18 years.”
That doesn’t mean retirees will get nothing by 2034, the writer tells us. It just means that at that point the program will only have enough revenue coming in to pay 79 percent of the promised benefits. So if you are expecting to receive $2,000 per month from Social Security, you will only receive $1,580.


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